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Business Development Action Team
The Business Development Action Team takes advantage of opportunities to apply for grants or engage major donors who can move strategies in the plan forward. The action team serves as a support to all other action teams for their grant writing and development needs. It encourages business involvement through fiscal and/or operational support
1United Way of Pennsylvania-Resilient PA Partnership
The United Way of Pennsylvania-Resilient PA Partnership has provided operational and capacity building support to the coalition. Additionally, Resilient PA acts as the Community Membership arm of the coalition, disseminating resources and events developed by the trauma experts within HEAL PA.
2Local, State, and National Collaborations
HEAL PA has secured collaborative relationships with a variety of organizations at the local, state and national levels. See our resources tab for for a list of collaborating organizations.
3Capacity Building
In the Summer of 2022, HEAL PA secured a national contract with WeHealUS, our fiscal agent and a national partner in the trauma-informed movement.
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